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Writer's pictureMaxx Matteo

Why the practice of engaging consultants is on the rise

Updated: Jan 28, 2020

Sometimes the problems companies need solving are really important, but they don’t necessarily have the bandwidth to focus on them. Companies still have to focus on their day-to-day operations, and new projects typically require re-prioritizing management's day job responsibilities. But hiring new employees to fill these gaps doesn’t typically make sense either, seeing as many of these projects are one-offs or require a someone with specific expertise, this is particularly true in working with regulatory matters. Whether it’s a cost reduction program requiring a dedicated team of six for a year or even a post-merger integration that requires a team of 100 for a month, clients might struggle to get the teams in place to do this critical work.

In instances like this, consultants basically serve as temporary, highly skilled employees. We’re not full-time employees of the company, so it is often much more cost effective to use us than hire someone new. You benefit from the fact that we engage with numerous companies, we’re used to the fast learning curve, and on-boarding us is always easier. And, by using consultants, you don’t have to pull your employees away from their actual day jobs.

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